[a.k.a. "Positively Tie Dream" by Bob Dylan]
(What was it you wanted? #7)

Davis: Mr. Dye-lan, I'm from the New Buffalo Consolidated High School, and ... uh ... the question that ... all the students want to know is, well, what's the most important thing in the world for you?

Dylan: Oh, my God! Do they really want to know that?

Davis: Yes! They really want to know!

Dylan: Well, I's say ... uh ... I'd say this tie I'm wearing right now.

Davis: The WHAT?

Dylan: This tie I'm wearing right now. It's very important.

Davis: Yee-e-es? Yes, yes!

Dylan: Because. For obvious reasons.

Davis: Oh?

Dylan: Uh-huh. What would your students say if I said that all the students should wear a tie like this?

Davis: Well ... welll, I think some of them would go right out and buy one. Where did you buy that tie, Mr Dye-lan?

Dylan: I got this in Buffalo.

Davis: In Buffalo?

Dylan: Yes, in Buffalo, right down by the school.

Davis: Oh, oh! Uh, well ... this is NEW Buffalo.

Dylan: Oh, NEW Buffalo.

Davis: In Michigan.

Dylan: Oh, this is Michigan! Excuse me!

Davis: Not New York.

Dylan: I must have the wrong town.

Photographer: Excuse me Mr Dylan, I don't want to lose this tie.

Dylan: Oh, are you losing your tie?

Photographer: Mr. Dylan, I'd like to get *your* tie.

Davis: (to Photographer) Dye-lan!

Dylan: (to Photographer) Dye-lan, if you please!

Photographer: (to Dylan) Oh, I am sorry. Thank you very much sir.

Dylan: (to Photographer) That's quite all right. Don't get that cloth over your head, I mean over the lens.

Davis: And the next thing I suppose they would want to know - I mean after I tell them this is ... uh ... just let me ask one question. They'll probably want to know, even though it's rude of me to ask. WHY is that the most important thing in the world that tie?

Dylan: Well. President Johnson used to wear a tie like this - before he got to be president.

Davis: Ooooh!

Dylan: It's a sign of the common man, and I'm a common man.

Davis: I see! I see!

Dylan: So I wear a tie like this - just to get involved.

Davis: Ummmmm. Do you wear that tie when you write - when you're writing your songs?

Dylan: When I write? No, I usually wear this after I get done - after I finish something very good. To make myself really feel good, I put on the tie, and then I feel much better about it - and usually I have a hit.

Davis: Really? Oh really? Oh, that's great! What songs did you write ...

Dylan: Oh, I wrote ... uh ... I wrote ... well, let's see. Well, after I wrote "Hard Rain's Gonna Fall" I wasn't sure if it was any good. So I put on the tie and I KNEW I had no problems from there on in. And it was a hit!

Davis: Gosh!

Dylan: Yeah! Pete Seeger recorded it, yeah, and that was a hit.

Davis: Yeah? Well, what are your plans for the future, Mr Dye-lan?

Dylan: Oh, I ...

Davis: Can I call you Bob?

Dylan: I'd appreciate it if you'd call me Mr Dye-lan.

Davis: Oh, Okay.

Dylan: Most high school students do.

Davis: All right.

Dylan: What was the question?

Davis: Uh .. uh ... oh yes, what are your plans for the future?

Dylan: Well, I'm gonna take off this tie.

Davis: Yes.

Dylan: That's the immediate future, take off the tie.

Davis: Oh, did you just finish writing something?

Dylan: I just finished writing something just before you came.

Davis: I see.

Dylan: I just finished writing something, and you know that's why I got the tie on.

Davis: Oh, I'm so glad! I might never have seen you in a tie if I hadn't come just when you finished writing something.

Dylan: Yeah, most people NEVER get to see me in this tie.

Davis: Really? Really?

Dylan: Yeah, and I have some more ties.

Davis: Different ones? I mean do you have different ones for different kind of songs?

Dylan: Oh, I have a whole lot of ties in my bedroom.

Davis: Yeaaah?

Dylan: Would you like to go in my bedroom and see some more?

Davis: Oh ... more what?

Dylan: More TIES!

Davis: Oh, oh! Are you going to write some songs?

Dylan: I just might write a song - write a song RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!

Davis: You mean - wee that is, uh, with your tie off?

Dylan: With my tie off - and I'll put it right back on when I'm done. You'll be very safe.

Davis: Oh, well, well, okay.

Published in Cavalier Magazine Feb 1966 and reprinted in the booklet "Positively Tie Dream".